Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Classroom Design

I designed my classroom for preschool age students.  The classroom is spacious enough to allow multiple stations around the room.  A typical preschool room has multiple tables and different areas for exploration.I  arranged the design with that same formula in mind, and have added areas for students to utilize technology.
The classroom spaces are separated from shelves, or off to the sides of the room.  The middle area is designed for free play type of ideas.  The corner area is reserved for the computers and would allow children to use computers or I-pads at their leisure. There are student tables and chairs so that the use of a television and projector are there if needed. I didn't include a teacher desk as preschool classrooms don't typically have that.  I wanted the classroom to be free from clutter, allow different  areas for comfort and learning, and to have enough space for technology areas.  

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