Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Khan/Koller Review

Both Khan Academy and Coursera are websites that offer online learning. They are different in their content and format, and are unique ways to advance your education.  After learning a little bit more about both of these sites, I think that being a student in today's world is truly remarkable.

I could definitely envision myself using Khan academy.  While on the website, I was investigating a video on organic chemistry.  This is not a course that I am familiar with, but in 15 minutes I was able to get a small amount of knowledge on something I had been ignorant about only moments earlier.  I would definitely encourage other students to use it. I know that my son has used Khan academy and really enjoyed that he could do the work online, and it recorded his progress and the amount of time he spent using it.  I think that if people are able to let go of the "credentiality" and not concern themselves so much with the name of the school, than higher education can be more accessible, more affordable and offered to many more students that traditional forms of education.

On Corsera's website, I found some psychology classes that looked very interesting.  I liked how they had a weekly outline for the class, kind of like we do in my online classes at CSCC.  I wasn't able to find anything about CSCC accepting transfer credits, but in the Ted talk video, Daphne mentioned that students use their certificates to show colleges in order to get accepted and earn credits.  I think that online courses can be a challenge to students because the learning is left to you to do, and not always given by an instructor.  Coursera actually has video instructors and gives students the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.  I can see this type of schooling being used a lot more in the future because it allows everybody in the entire world an opportunity to receive an education, and that is an amazing thing.

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